In the PRP method, wrinkle areas cannot be filled as in filler applications. It provides natural rejuvenation in the area where it is injected.

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Before the procedure, at least 10 cc of your blood is taken and centrifuged. It is based on the principle of reinjecting the small amount of "platelet-rich plasma" (PRP) obtained back into the same person. The platelet-rich plasma obtained is applied under the skin via fine needles used in mesotherapy.

In the PRP method, wrinkle areas cannot be filled as in filler applications. It provides natural rejuvenation in the area where it is injected. The PRP method is an entirely natural method performed with platelets obtained from the individual's own blood. In other words, it reminds your body of the youth it has forgotten.

PRP applications are procedures done in a clinical setting; it is recommended not to wash or clean the treated area for 4-6 hours. After the procedure, there will be redness and a feeling of tightness in the area, which will heal on its own without needing treatment. Makeup should not be applied for 12-24 hours after the PRP application.

Application Areas:

On the scalp: In the treatment of hair loss, hair breakage, lifeless, dry, and thin hair

On the entire face: In the treatment of forehead, crow's feet, nose side wrinkles, sagging and collapses, skin spots, and scars

On the neck and décolletage area: In the treatment of wrinkles, sagging, and spots

In the treatment of sagging, stretch marks, and scars seen all over the body

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