Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is the most frequently applied treatment method in all pain treatment centers in Europe. Thanks to this treatment method, patients do not have to live with their pain.

Neural therapy is an important treatment method developed by two German doctors, Ferdinand and Walter Huneke, in the 1920s. It uses local anesthetics to affect the body's own neurovegetative system, providing regulation of the body.

It has been proven that neural therapy not only has a local effect but also works through a humoral, cellular, neural, and hormonal regulation system.

The stimuli and information changes encountered by the body are involved in the neurovegetative system, which prevents and disrupts the production and distribution of excessive stimulation energy, causing irregularities in the vegetative nervous system. These changes, often unexplained by modern medicine and attributed to the patient's own psychology, lie at the root of disorders that occur before the onset of diseases, which are caused by irregularities in the patient's disrupted vegetative nervous system.

These irregularities are regulated by neural therapy. Neural therapy affects the body by providing energy to the damaged tissue or by resolving energy blocks.

According to the Huneke Method, neural therapy works through two basic mechanisms.

· The first is the segmental mechanism. Here, the local anesthetic injection is made into the segment where the disorder extends, and the connection of this segment with the spinal cord is essential.

· The second is the elimination of the area causing the disease (interference field). Injection into this area results in the sudden disappearance of symptoms (Flash Phenomenon=Immediate effect).

Segment treatment involves all parts of the segment playing a role as a whole against the important processes within the segment. The stimulus reaches the organ associated with the respective segment from the periphery through the spinal cord (cutaneous-visceral reflex pathway) or reaches another organ from the organ through the spinal cord (viscero-visceral reflex pathway).

All neurovegetative system functions are related to the adjustments between humoral, cellular, neural, and hormonal regulatory mechanisms and their participation in reactions within the system. Any disorder occurring in just one of these mechanisms will result in the functional disorder of the entire system. That is, the disease will affect not only one organ but the whole body.

Neural therapy with local anesthetics on disrupted segmental tissue not only interrupts pathological reflex pathways but also repolarizes the disrupted cell membrane to the correct potential, normalizing vegetative functions.

Any previous or current local irritation (inflammatory, chemical, physical, or traumatic) in any part of the body can become a pathological field (interference field) and disrupt the neurovegetative system, causing discomfort in some other body functions. Neural therapy applied to this area with local anesthetics can reduce this effect, and a sudden decrease in symptoms may be observed (Flash Phenomenon).

These interference fields are often localized in the head region, especially in the teeth, tonsils, and paranasal sinuses. Life is not limited to matter but is also connected to energy. Under normal conditions, a membrane has a positive charge on the outside and a negative charge on the inside at rest. When stimulation occurs, the permeability of the membrane to sodium ions suddenly increases, and sodium ions flow into the interior so quickly and suddenly that the potential difference between the outer and inner surfaces disappears and even more positive charge accumulates on the inner surface compared to the outer surface, eliminating the normal resting potential (depolarization). In this state, potassium ions have left the cell, and sodium ions have entered the cell.

Under normal conditions, immediately after depolarization, the membrane's pores lose their permeability to sodium ions. In this state, potassium ions return to the cell, and sodium ions leave the cell, making the cell membrane impermeable again. Thus, the normal resting potential is restored (repolarization). Normally, the potential within the cell is about 40-90 millivolts, and this potential decreases with each stimulus (depolarization), and then the cell is recharged immediately by obtaining the necessary energy from oxygen metabolism (repolarization).

Along with all this, after an extremely strong stimulus or many cumulative stimuli (chemical, physical, or traumatic), the cell fails to repolarize again. The constantly depolarized and therefore weakened or diseased cell cannot integrate its activities further and cannot maintain its functions. The congenital weakness of organs or the deterioration due to diseases causes incompatibility with electrical impulses.

The membrane potential of the constantly depolarized cell has fallen below 40 millivolts. In this case, the local anesthetic used for neural therapy hyperpolarizes the cell with its approximately 290 millivolt power. Each repeat injection leaves a certain potential in the cell until the cell stores its normal potential of 40-90 mV. The arrival of the neural therapeutic agent at the disrupted field and the repolarization of the disrupted cell membrane potential with its high potential, thus providing stabilization, not only eliminates the irregularity in the neurovegetative system but also restores neural, humoral, cellular, and hormonal activity.

As a result, it is seen that the organism's ability to repolarize and remain at the necessary potential develops with the repetition of injections, and this plays a significant role in relieving the discomfort.

Neural therapy is a treatment method widely applied in Europe, especially in Germany, and the USA. In Turkey, it has been an increasingly popular treatment method over the past five years, with doctors participating in training.

Neural therapy is the most frequently applied treatment method in all pain treatment centers in Europe. Thanks to this treatment method, patients do not have to live with their pain.

The diseases treated include migraine, tension-type headaches, neck, back, and lower back pain, neck and lumbar hernias, tinnitus and dizziness, forgetfulness, neuralgia, organic functional disorders, all types of joint functional disorders and pains, sports injuries, varicose veins and cellulite treatment, sleep disorders and irregularities.

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