
Mesotherapy application for hair is performed by releasing the mesotherapy drug onto the scalp at certain intervals with fine needles. In this way, the drug that directly penetrates the existing problems provides much shorter and more successful results.

What is Hair Mesotherapy?

Hair mesotherapy is the use of mesotherapy drugs to solve hair problems.

How is Hair Mesotherapy Done?

Mesotherapy application for hair is performed by releasing the mesotherapy drug onto the scalp at certain intervals with fine needles. In this way, the drug that directly penetrates the existing problems provides much shorter and more successful results.

Who Can Undergo Hair Mesotherapy Procedures?

This procedure is performed by injecting a drug. Therefore, it can be applied to all male and female patients whose health condition does not pose an obstacle. Cases where the health condition is not suitable for this procedure are:

Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Taking medication, Blood, circulatory, diabetes, hypertension diseases.

What Hair Problems is Hair Mesotherapy Effective On?

This procedure is effective on:

Hair loss

Weak and brittle hair

Hair that breaks easily

Hair that is easily affected by external factors

Hair that is stressed by chemical processes such as coloring, perm, and permanent blow-drying

Hair that is damaged by poor quality or constantly used styling products.

Does Hair Mesotherapy Cause Pain?

The procedures can cause pain and a burning sensation as the drug is released into the scalp. Therefore, local anesthesia sprays can be used before the application. After the local anesthesia takes effect, the scalp is wiped to remove the spray residues for safe application.

Can Hair Mesotherapy Be Applied to Areas Other Than the Scalp?

This procedure can be applied to hairy areas, that is, areas containing hair follicles. Therefore, it can also be applied to the beard and mustache areas in men.

Mesotherapy applied to the beard, mustache, and sideburn areas can achieve success similar to the effects seen on hair. It strengthens the hair in these areas, supports the appearance, and prepares the ground for reducing sparsity.

How Many Sessions of Hair Mesotherapy Are Needed?

The number of sessions varies depending on the type of hair problems, the causes, and the severity. Therefore, the number of sessions is not a fixed subject. However, for an average problem degree, the number of sessions should be at least 5.

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